• Overview
    Baziotes • Bluhm • Brooks • DeFeo • De Kooning • Diebenkorn • Francis Frankenthaler • Gorky • Guston • Held • Hofmann • Kamrowski • Krasner Mitchell • Motherwell • Ossorio • Pollock • Pousette-Dart Reinhardt • Rothko • Seliger • Sobel • Thomas • Tworkov
    Greenberg Van Doren Gallery is pleased to announce a thematic group exhibition of abstract paintings and works on paper titled Pre-Post, on view from October 11 – November 11, 2006. Pre-Post will follow the footsteps of the New York School from its early Surrealist-inspired beginnings to work by its key members and the second generation of artists who followed in its wake. This inclusive exhibition also features painters who worked independently, were historically not categorized as, or were geographically isolated from the core movement. In addition, Pre-Post will include six women artists.

    Pre-Post brings together works by three generations of American abstract painters from 1940s to 1960s. Artists who were considered outside of the movement – and in some cases independent from it - join the primary group from the East Coast, including painters from the California and the D.C. based Washington School. This show begins with image-based abstractions by Arshile Gorky and Hans Hofmann and the first ‘drip’ paintings of Janet Sobel and moves towards the New York School’s second generation. Lee Krasner, Jay DeFeo, Gerome Kamrowski, Alma Thomas, and Norman Bluhm join key historic figures such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Helen Frankenthaler, and Willem de Kooning, among many others.
  • Installation Shots
  • Artist